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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

3 Summer Salads - Featuring Chicken, Fish, And Veggies - To Dig Into This Week

3 Summer Salads - Featuring Chicken, Fish, And Veggies - To Dig Into This Week

by Danica Lo
on 07/21/14 at 02:30 PM
When the weather outside is balmy and warm, salads are a great way to serve up something flavorful and healthy -- without having to spend hours working over a hot stove. Here are three that we love -- one with chicken, one with fish, and one veggie option. What's your pick?
Above, this savory Summer Anchovy Salad works so well with the season's gorgeous tomato haul.
Here's a divine chicken salad that can double as a meal - "I like my salads to be meals," says food editor Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez, who developed these recipes. "Lots of fresh everything."
For a light, colorful (beautiful) vegetable salad to sit alongside supper, why not check out this Shaved Summer Squash dish - "We make this salad when it's hot on the farm and we're in the mood for something refreshing." Jenna Clemens, Full Belly Farm, Guinda, CA

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